Pubblicazioni Scientifiche


Libri – Capitoli:


2022 Autore del Capitolo:
Robotic Rectal Resection for Rectal Cancer: State of the Art” – Link

Autori: Francesca De Stefano, Gianfrancesco Intini, Giulia Costantini, Carlo Gennaro, Ali Chahrour and Igor Monsellato

Dal libro “Recent Understanding of Colorectal Cancer Treatment
Edito da Intech, in lingua inglese ISBN 978-1-80356-132-5 doi: 10.5772/intechopen.106199

2017 Autore del Capitolo:
Robotic Splenic Flexure and Transverse Colon Resections” – Link

Autori: Igor Monsellato, Maria Caterina Canepa, Vittorio d’Adamo, Giuseppe Spinoglio and Fabio Priora

Dal libro “Surgical robotics
Edito da Intech, in lingua inglese ISBN 978-953-51-3719-1

2014 Coautore dei Capitoli:
14 – Left Colectomy and Segmental Resections for Cancer” – Link

Autori: PP Bianchi, I Monsellato, W Petz

dal libro: “Robotic Surgery
edito da Springer, Milan, in lingua inglese. Editor: G. Spinoglio

30 – TRATTAMENTO CHIRURGICO DEL TUMORE DEL COLON E DEL RETTO – Resezione del sigma e linfonodo sentinella
Autori: PP Bianchi, W Petz, I Monsellato

dal trattato: “TRATTATO DI CHIRURGIA LAPAROSCOPICA DELL’APPARATO DIGERENTE, MILZA E SURRENE – Sezione: COLON e RETTO”, a cura dei Professori Olmi, Foschi e Croce.
edito da EDRA, Milan, in lingua italiana.

2011 Co-Editor del libro:

Gastric Cancer: From Staging To Surgical Treatment. Procedures, Complications And Oncological Results.” – Link

edito da Nova Science Publishers, Inc. NY USA, in lingua inglese.
ISBN: 978-1-62081-294-5

2011 Coautore dei Capitoli: “Surgical anatomy of the stomach” e “Robotic gastrectomy: technique, complications and short term results
dal libro: “Gastric Cancer: From Staging To Surgical Treatment. Procedures, Complications and Oncological Results.
edito da Nova Science Publishers, Inc. NY USA, in lingua inglese. ISBN: 978-1-62081-294-5

2011 Coautore del capitolo:
Minimally invasive robot-assisted colorectal resections” – Link

dal libro: “Colorectal Cancer – From Prevention to Patient Care
edito dalla InTech – Open Access Publisher Croatia, in lingua inglese. ISBN: 979-953-307-663-7


Articoli Scientifici – Abstracts – Posters:

Link alle pubblicazioni disponibili su pubmed

Monsellato I, Gatto T, Lodin M, Panaro F. Robotic CME in 110 consecutive cases: feasibility and short-term technical and oncological outcomes. Minerva Surg. 2024 Jun 5. doi: 10.23736/S2724-5691.24.10319-X. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38842088.

Milone M, Anoldo P, de’Angelis N, Coccolini F, Khan J, Kluger Y, Sartelli M, Ansaloni L, Morelli L, Zanini N, Vallicelli C, Vigutto G, Moore EE, Biffl W, Catena F; ROEM Collaborative Group. The role of RObotic surgery in EMergency setting (ROEM): protocol for a multicentre, observational, prospective international study on the use of robotic platform in emergency surgery. World J Emerg Surg. 2024 Jun 4;19(1):20. doi: 10.1186/s13017-024-00542-x. PMID: 38835071; PMCID: PMC11149189.

Perrone G, Giuffrida M, Abu-Zidan F, Kruger VF, Livrini M, Petracca GL, Rossi G, Tarasconi A, Tian BWCA, Bonati E, Mentz R, Mazzini FN, Campana JP, Gasser E, Kafka-Ritsch R, Felsenreich DM, Dawoud C, Riss S, Gomes CA, Gomes FC, Gonzaga RAT, Canton CAB, Pereira BM, Fraga GP, Zem LG, Cordeiro-Fonseca V, de Mesquita Tauil R, Atanasov B, Belev N, Kovachev N, Meléndez LJJ, Dimova A, Dimov S, Zelić Z, Augustin G, Bogdanić B, Morić T, Chouillard E, Bajul M, De Simone B, Panis Y, Esposito F, Notarnicola M, Lauka L, Fabbri A, Hentati H, Fnaiech I, Aurélien V, Bougard M, Roulet M, Demetrashvili Z, Pipia I, Merabishvili G, Bouliaris K, Koukoulis G, Doudakmanis C, Xenaki S, Chrysos E, Kokkinakis S, Vassiliu P, Michalopoulos N, Margaris I, Kechagias A, Avgerinos K, Katunin J, Lostoridis E, Nagorni EA, Pujante A, Mulita F, Maroulis I, Vailas M, Marinis A, Siannis I, Bourbouteli E, Manatakis DK, Tasis N, Acheimastos V, Maria S, Stylianos K, Kuzeridis H, Korkolis D, Fradelos E, Kavalieratos G, Petropoulou T, Polydorou A, Papacostantinou I, Triantafyllou T, Kimpizi D, Theodorou D, Toutouzas K, Chamzin A, Frountzas M, Schizas D, Karavokyros I, Syllaios A, Charalabopoulos A, Boura M, Baili E, Ioannidis O, Loutzidou L, Anestiadou E, Tsouknidas I, Petrakis G, Polenta E, Bains L, Gupta R, Singh SK, Khanduri A, Bala M, Kedar A, Pisano M, Podda M, Pisanu A, Martines G, Trigiante G, Lantone G, Agrusa A, Di Buono G, Buscemi S, Veroux M, Gioco R, Veroux G, Oragano L, Zonta S, Lovisetto F, Feo CV, Pesce A, Fabbri N, Lantone G, Marino F, Perrone F, Vincenti L, Papagni V, Picciariello A, Rossi S, Picardi B, Del Monte SR, Visconti D, Osella G, Petruzzelli L, Pignata G, Andreuccetti J, D’Alessio R, Buonfantino M, Guaitoli E, Spinelli S, Sampietro GM, Corbellini C, Lorusso L, Frontali A, Pezzoli I, Bonomi A, Chierici A, Cotsoglou C, Manca G, Delvecchio A, Musa N, Casati M, Letizia L, Abate E, Ercolani G, D’Acapito F, Solaini L, Guercioni G, Cicconi S, Sasia D, Borghi F, Giraudo G, Sena G, Castaldo P, Cardamone E, Portale G, Zuin M, Spolverato Y, Esposito M, Isernia RM, Di Salvo M, Manunza R, Esposito G, Agus M, Asti ELG, Bernardi DT, Tonucci TP, Luppi D, Casadei M, Bonilauri S, Pezzolla A, Panebianco A, Laforgia R, De Luca M, Zese M, Parini D, Jovine E, De Sario G, Lombardi R, Aprea G, Palomba G, Capuano M, Argenio G, Orio G, Armellino MF, Troian M, Guerra M, Nagliati C, Biloslavo A, Germani P, Aizza G, Monsellato I, Chahrour AC, Anania G, Bombardini C, Bagolini F, Sganga G, Fransvea P, Bianchi V, Boati P, Ferrara F, Palmieri F, Cianci P, Gattulli D, Restini E, Cillara N, Cannavera A, Nita GE, Sarnari J, Roscio F, Clerici F, Scandroglio I, Berti S, Cadeo A, Filippelli A, Conti L, Grassi C, Cattaneo GM, Pighin M, Papis D, Gambino G, Bertino V, Schifano D, Prando D, Fogato L, Cavallo F, Ansaloni L, Picheo R, Pontarolo N, Depalma N, Spampinato M, D’Ugo S, Lepre L, Capponi MG, Campa RD, Sarro G, Dinuzzi VP, Olmi S, Uccelli M, Ferrari D, Inama M, Moretto G, Fontana M, Favi F, Picariello E, Rampini A, Barberis A, Azzinnaro A, Oliva A, Totaro L, Benzoni I, Ranieri V, Capolupo GT, Carannante F, Caricato M, Ronconi M, Casiraghi S, Casole G, Pantalone D, Alemanno G, Scheiterle M, Ceresoli M, Cereda M, Fumagalli C, Zanzi F, Bolzon S, Guerra E, Lecchi F, Cellerino P, Ardito A, Scaramuzzo R, Balla A, Lepiane P, Tartaglia N, Ambrosi A, Pavone G, Palini GM, Veneroni S, Garulli G, Ricci C, Torre B, Russo IS, Rottoli M, Tanzanu M, Belvedere A, Milone M, Manigrasso M, De Palma GD, Piccoli M, Pattacini GC, Magnone S, Bertoli P, Pisano M, Massucco P, Palisi M, Luzzi AP, Fleres F, Clarizia G, Spolini A, Kobe Y, Toma T, Shimamura F, Parker R, Ranketi S, Mitei M, Svagzdys S, Pauzas H, Zilinskas J, Poskus T, Kryzauskas M, Jakubauskas M, Zakaria AD, Zakaria Z, Wong MP, Jusoh AC, Zakaria MN, Cruz DR, Elizalde ABR, Reynaud AB, Hernandez EEL, Monroy JMVP, Hinojosa-Ugarte D, Quiodettis M, Du Bois ME, Latorraca J, Major P, Pędziwiatr M, Pisarska-Adamczyk M, Walędziak M, Kwiatkowski A, Czyżykowski Ł, da Costa SD, Pereira B, Ferreira ARO, Almeida F, Rocha R, Carneiro C, Perez DP, Carvas J, Rocha C, Ferreira C, Marques R, Fernandes U, Leao P, Goulart A, Pereira RG, Patrocínio SDD, de Mendonça NGG, Manso MIC, Morais HMC, Cardoso PS, Calu V, Miron A, Toma EA, Gachabayov M, Abdullaev A, Litvin A, Nechay T, Tyagunov A, Yuldashev A, Bradley A, Wilson M, Panyko A, Látečková Z, Lacko V, Lesko D, Soltes M, Radonak J, Turrado-Rodriguez V, Termes-Serra R, Morales-Sevillano X, Lapolla P, Mingoli A, Brachini G, Degiuli M, Sofia S, Reddavid R, de Manzoni Garberini A, Buffone A, Del Pozo EP, Aparicio-Sánchez D, Dos Barbeito S, Estaire-Gómez M, Vitón-Herrero R, de Los Ángeles Gil Olarte-Marquez M, Gil-Martínez J, Alconchel F, Nicolás-López T, Rahy-Martin AC, Pelloni M, Bañolas-Suarez R, Mendoza-Moreno F, Nisa FG, Díez-Alonso M, Rodas MEV, Agundez MC, Andrés MIP, Moreira CCL, Perez AL, Ponce IA, González-Castillo AM, Membrilla-Fernández E, Salvans S, Serradilla-Martín M, Pardo PS, Rivera-Alonso D, Dziakova J, Huguet JM, Valle NP, Ruiz EC, Valcárcel CR, Moreno CR, Salazar YTM, García JJR, Micó SS, López JR, Farré SP, Gomez MS, Petit NM, Titos-García A, Aranda-Narváez JM, Romacho-López L, Sánchez-Guillén L, Aranaz-Ostariz V, Bosch-Ramírez M, Martínez-Pérez A, Martínez-López E, Sebastián-Tomás JC, Jimenez-Riera G, Jimenez-Vega J, Cuellar JAN, Campos-Serra A, Muñoz-Campaña A, Gràcia-Roman R, Alegre JM, Pinto FL, O’Sullivan SN, Antona FB, Jiménez BM, López-Sánchez J, Carmona ZG, Fernández RT, Sierra IB, de León LRG, Moreno VP, Iglesias E, Cumplido PL, Bravo AA, Simó IR, Domínguez CL, Caamaño AG, Lozano RC, Martínez MD, Torres ÁN, de Quiros JTMB, Pellino G, Cloquell MM, Moller EG, Jalal-Eldin S, Abdoun AK, Hamid HKS, Lohsiriwat V, Mongkhonsupphawan A, Baraket O, Ayed K, Abbassi I, Ali AB, Ammar H, Kchaou A, Tlili A, Zribi I, Colak E, Polat S, Koylu ZA, Guner A, Usta MA, Reis ME, Mantoglu B, Gonullu E, Akin E, Altintoprak F, Bayhan Z, Firat N, Isik A, Memis U, Bayrak M, Altıntaş Y, Kara Y, Bozkurt MA, Kocataş A, Das K, Seker A, Ozer N, Atici SD, Tuncer K, Kaya T, Ozkan Z, Ilhan O, Agackiran I, Uzunoglu MY, Demirbas E, Altinel Y, Meric S, Hacım NA, Uymaz DS, Omarov N, Balık E, Tebala GD, Khalil H, Rana M, Khan M, Florence C, Swaminathan C, Leo CA, Liasis L, Watfah J, Trostchansky I, Delgado E, Pontillo M, Latifi R, Coimbra R, Edwards S, Lopez A, Velmahos G, Dorken A, Gebran A, Palmer A, Oury J, Bardes JM, Seng SS, Coffua LS, Ratnasekera A, Egodage T, Echeverria-Rosario K, Armento I, Napolitano LM, Sangji NF, Hemmila M, Quick JA, Austin TR, Hyman TS, Curtiss W, McClure A, Cairl N, Biffl WL, Truong HP, Schaffer K, Reames S, Banchini F, Capelli P, Coccolini F, Sartelli M, Bravi F, Vallicelli C, Agnoletti V, Baiocchi GL, Catena F. Goodbye Hartmann trial: a prospective, international, multicenter, observational study on the current use of a surgical procedure developed a century ago. World J Emerg Surg. 2024 Apr 16;19(1):14. doi: 10.1186/s13017-024-00543-w. PMID: 38627831; PMCID: PMC11020610.

Monsellato I, et al. Robotic splenic flexure cancer resection with vessel skeletonization – a video vignette. Colorectal Dis. 2024 Apr 2. doi: 10.1111/codi.16972. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38566332.

Massucco P, Fontana A, Mineccia M, Perotti S, Ciccone G, Galassi C, Giuffrida MC, Marino D, Monsellato I, et al. Prospective, randomised, multicentre, open-label trial, designed to evaluate the best timing of closure of the temporary ileostomy (early versus late) in patients who underwent rectal cancer resection and with indication for adjuvant chemotherapy: the STOMAD (STOMa closure before or after ADjuvant therapy) randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open. 2021 Feb 19;11(2):e044692. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-044692. PMID: 33608405; PMCID: PMC7896613.

Monsellato I et al. Role of timing to laparoscopic or robotic surgery after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer: The TiMiSNAR trial. Annals of Oncology. 2021 Volume 32, Supplement 3, July 2021, Page S103. doi: 10.1016/j.annonc.2021.05.077

Monsellato I et al. Expression levels of circulating miRNAs as biomarkers during multimodal treatment of rectal cancer – TiMiSNAR-mirna: a substudy of the TiMiSNAR Trial (NCT03962088). Trials. 2020 Jul 25;21(1):678. doi: 10.1186/s13063-020-04568-9.

Monsellato I, et al. Standard (8 weeks) vs long (12 weeks) Timing to Minimally-Invasive Surgery after NeoAdjuvant Chemoradiotherapy for Rectal cancer: a multicenter randomized controlled parallel group trial (TiMiSNAR). Protocol Paper. BMC Cancer. 2019;19:1215 online first 16 Dec 2019.

I. Monsellato, A. Morello, M. Prati, G. Argenio, D. Piscioneri, LM. Lenti, F. Priora. Robotic transanal total mesorectal excision: a new perspective for low rectal cancer treatment. A case series. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports. 2019; 61: 86–90. Published online 2019 Jul 19. doi: 10.1016/j.ijscr.2019.07.034

I. Monsellato, M. Lodin, F. Priora. Robotic Right Colectomy in a patient with Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt. Report of a Case. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports 59C (2019) pp. 58-62

Monsellato I, Morello A, Argenio G, Canepa MC, Lenti LM, Priora F. Spontaneous bladder rupture mimicking a jejuno-ileal perforation. G Chir. 2018 Sep-Oct;34(5):315-318.

I. Monsellato, MC Canepa, D. Piscioneri, LM Lenti, F Priora. Robotic transanal total mesorectal excision: a new perspective for low rectal cancer treatment. 11TH EUROPEAN COLORECTAL CONGRESS 2017, 4-7 December 2017, St. Gallen.

A. Chiappa, E. Bertani, A. Zbar, F. Luca, G. Zampino Maria, N. Fazio, S. Ravenda Paola, M. Venturino, F. Orsi, C. Ferrari, I. Monsellato, R. Biffi. Survival and disease-free survival in a consecutive monocentric series of more than 1000 D-2 gastric resection for cancer. Ann Oncol 27 (Supplement 2): ii1–ii85, 2016 doi:10.1093/annonc/mdw199.156.

A. Chiappa, E. Bertani, A. Zbar, D. Foschi, F. Luca, M. Venturino, N. Fazio, C. Ferrari, I. Monsellato, R. Biffi. Surgical outcomes and strict follow-up of retroperitoneal soft-tissue sarcoma. Ann Oncol 27 (Supplement 2): ii1–ii85, 2016 doi:10.1093/annonc/mdw199.258.

A. Chiappa, E. Bertani, N. Fazio, D. Foschi, F. Luca, M. Venturino, C. Ferrari, I. Monsellato, S. Galdy, D. Ravizza, M. Tulli, R. Biffi. Survival and disease-free survival in a consecutive monocentric series of more than 1000 D-2 gastric resection for cancer. Ann Oncol 27 (Supplement 2): ii1–ii85, 2016 doi:10.1093/annonc/mdw199.252.

Biffi R, Luca F, Bianchi PP, Cenciarelli S, Petz W, Monsellato I, Valvo M, Cossu ML, Ghezzi TL, Shmaissany K. Dealing with robot-assisted surgery for rectal cancer: Current status and perspectives. World J Gastroenterol. 2016 Jan 14;22(2):546-56. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v22.i2.546. Review.

W. Petz, I. Monsellato, G. Scifo, A. Gatti, P.P. Bianchi. Robotic Wedge Resection of Gastric Mesenchimal Tumours. Surg Endosc 2015;29:S295.

W. Petz, I. Monsellato, G. Scifo, A. Gatti, P.P. Bianchi. Laparoscopic and Robotic Right Colectomy with Complete Mesocolic Excision and Intracoroporeal Anastomosis. Surg Endosc 2015;29:S293

Monsellato I, Uccelli F, Sonzogni A, Parravicini C, Petz W, Bianchi PP. Gastrointestinal Basidiobolomycosis mimicking a right colon cancer treated by laparoscopic approach and antifungal therapy. Chirurgia 2014;8(2):81-4.

Petz W, Biffi R, Monsellato I, Uccelli F, Bianchi PP. Oncologic safety of robotic total mesorectal excision. EJSO 2013;39(9):S43.

Petz W, Biffi R, Monsellato I, Uccelli F, Bianchi PP. Laparoscopic radiofrequency ablation of focal hepatic lesions: Technical aspects and early oncologic results. EJSO 2013;39(9):S43

D’Annibale A, Pernazza G, Morpurgo E, Monsellato I, Pende V, Lucandri G, Termini B, Orsini C, Sovernigo G. Robotic right colon resection: evaluation of first 50 consecutive cases for malignant disease. Indian J Surg Oncol. 2012 Dec;3(4):279-85. doi: 10.1007/s13193-012-0193-8.

D’Annibale A, Pernazza G, Monsellato I, Pende V, Lucandri G, Mazzocchi P, Alfano G. Total mesorectal excision: a comparison of oncological and functional outcomes between robotic and laparoscopic surgery for rectal cancer. Surg Endosc. 2013 Jun;27(6):1887-95. doi: 10.1007/s00464-012-2731-4. Epub 2013 Jan 5.

A. D’Annibale, V. Pende, G. Pernazza, I. Monsellato, G. Alfano, P. Mazzocchi, G. Lucandri. Full robotic gastrectomy with extended (D2) lymphadenectomy for gastric cancer: surgical technique and preliminary results. Surg Endosc 2013;27:S151

A. D’Annibale, G. Pernazza, V. Pende, P. Mazzocchi, G. Lucandri, G. Alfano, I. Monsellato. Robot-assisted laparoscopic pancreatoduodenectomy. Surg Endosc 2013;27:S146

A. D’Annibale, G. Lucandri, I. Monsellato, M. De Angelis, G. Pernazza, G. Alfano, P. Mazzocchi, V. Pende. Robotic Adrenalectomy: Technical aspects and early results. Surg Endosc 2013;27:S90.

G. Pernazza, I. Monsellato, G. Alfano, A. D’Annibale. Laparoscopic treatment of colorectal anastomotic leakage after rectal cancer resection. Surg Endosc 2013;27:S85

D’Annibale A, Pende V, Pernazza G, Monsellato I, Alfano G, Lucandri G, Mazzocchi P. Full Robotic Subtotal Gastrectomy with Extended (D2) Lymphadenectomy. Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques and Part B: Videoscopy. First published January 2011.

Pernazza G, Monsellato I, Alfano G, Pende V, Lucandri G, Mazzocchi P, D’Annibale A. Robotic Right Colon Resection for Cancer: Evaluation of 80 Consecutive Cases. EJSO;37(12):S2.

Lucandri G, Felicioni F, Monsellato I, Alfano G, Pernazza G, Pende V, Mazzocchi P, Bascone B, D’Annibale A. Robotic splenectomy for mesothelial cyst: a case report. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. 2011 Apr;21(2):e93-6

Pernazza G, Monsellato I, Pende V, Alfano G, Mazzocchi P, D’Annibale A. Fully robotic treatment of an epiphrenic diverticulum: Report of a case. Minim Invasive Ther Allied Technol. 2011 Mar 14. [Epub ahead of print]

Pernazza G, Monsellato I, Alfano G, Bascone B, Felicioni F, Ferrari R, D’Annibale A. Laparoscopic treatment of a carcinoma of the cecum incarcerated in a right groin hernia: report of a case. Surg Today. 2011 Mar;41(3):422-5. Epub 2011 Mar 2

D’Annibale A, Pende V, Pernazza G, Monsellato I, Mazzocchi P, Lucandri G, Morpurgo E, Contardo T, Sovernigo G. Full robotic gastrectomy with extended (D2) lymphadenectomy for gastric cancer: surgical technique and preliminary results. J Surg Res. 2011 Apr;166(2):e113-20. Epub 2010 Dec 13

Cavaliere F, De Simone M, Virzì S, Deraco M, Rossi CR, Garofalo A, Di Filippo F, Giannarelli D, Vaira M, Valle M, Pilati P, Perri P, La Pinta M, Monsellato I, Guadagni F. Prognostic factors and oncologic outcome in 146 patients with colorectal peritoneal carcinomatosis treated with cytoreductive surgery combined with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy: Italian multicenter study S.I.T.I.L.O. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2011 Feb;37(2):148-54. Epub 2010 Nov 18

D’Annibale A, Pernazza G, Morpurgo E, Monsellato I, Pende V, Lucandri G, Termini B, Orsini C, Sovernigo G. Robotic Right Colon Resection: Evaluation of First 50 Consecutive Cases for Malignant Disease. Ann Surg Oncol. 2010 Jun 22.

Pernazza G, Lucandri G, Bascone B, De Angelis M, Monsellato I, D’Annibale A. Minimally invasive robotic treatment of an epiphrenic esophageal diverticulum. 2nd Worldwide Congress of the CRSA (Clinical robotics surgery association) 2010 Chicago, October 1st – 2nd.

Pende V, Pernazza G, Monsellato I, Alfano G, De Angelis M, D’Annibale A. Robot-assisted total mesorectal excision in low rectal cancer. Standardized technique and short-term results. 2nd Worldwide Congress of the CRSA (Clinical robotics surgery association) 2010 Chicago, October 1st – 2nd.

Pernazza G, Pende V, Alfano G, Monsellato I, D’Annibale A. Robotic D2 lymphadenectomy in gastric resection for cancer. Early experience. 2nd Worldwide Congress of the CRSA (Clinical robotics surgery association) 2010 Chicago, October 1st – 2nd

D’Annibale A, Pernazza G, Lucandri G, Pende V, Morpurgo E, Orsini C, Sovernigo G, Monsellato I. Robotic right colic resection: is it possible to define a new standard in minimally invasive surgery? Acts of the 1st Worldwide Congress of the CRSA (Clinical robotics surgery association) 2009 Chicago, October 9th – 10th (october).

Tosato F, Monsellato I, Marano S, Leonardo G, Portale G, Bezzi M. Functional evaluation at 1-year follow-up of laparoscopic Nissen-Rossetti fundoplication. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2009 Jun;19(3):351-4.

Monsellato I, Marano S, Leonardo G, Martire I, Paltrinieri G, Tosato I. 24H pHmetric Evaluation of GERD after Laparoscopic Nissen-Rossetti Fundoplication: 1 Year Follow Up. 21st National Congress of the Italian Polyspecialist Society of Young Surgeons (IPSYS) Eur Surg Res 2008;41:108.

Tosato F, Paltrinieri G, Monsellato I, Leonardo G, Martire I, Palombi L. Laparoscopic combined Nissen-Rossetti fundoplication and cholecystectomy: our experience. G Chir. 2008 Mar;29(3):102-5.

Tosato F, Carnevale L, Monsellato I, Martone N, Martire I, Leonardo G, Palombi L, Stati P. Intragastric balloon in bariatric surgery. G Chir. 2006 Jan-Feb;27(1-2):53-8.

Martire I, Leonardo G, Maneggia G, Carnevale L, Monsellato I, Palombi L, Tosato F, Stati P. Retroperitoneal mass: a clinical case. G Chir. 2006 Jan-Feb;27(1-2):37-9.

Paolini A, Tosato F, Carnevale L, Monsellato I, Leonardo G. Risultati della terapia chirurgica per via laparoscopica della MRGE: esperienza di Scuola. Atti del 106° Congresso della SIC (Società Italiana di Chirurgia) 2004;I: 193-204.

Tosato F, Carnevale L, Corsini F, Marano S, Palermo S, Piraino A, Leonardo G, Monsellato I, Paolini A. Predisposing factors for development of cardial adenocarcinoma. Minerva Chir. 2003 Feb;58(1):17-22.

Monsellato I, Carnevale L, Stati P, Leonardo G, Martire I, Pacini F, Palombi L, Martone N, Tosato F, Paolini A. Cisti da echinococco epatico fistolizzata nelle vie biliari. Trattamento endoscopico e chirurgico. La stampa medica europea. 2003;2: 45-52.

Tosato F, Cianciulli AM, Coletta AM, Merola R, Leonardo G, Monsellato I, Marano S, Piraino A, Corsini F, Carnevale L, Paolini A. Genetic abnormalities as neoplastic index in Barrett cardias adc progression: relationship with other GERD diagnostic procedures in personal experience. Extract from Proceedings of the Eurosurgery Lisbon 2002. 2002 (June 5-7): 387-92.

Tosato F, Marano S, Corsini P, Palermo S, Piraino A, Monsellato I, Carnevale L, Scocchera F, Vasapollo L, Paolini A. Lung surgery in the elderly. Minerva Chir. 2001 Aug;56(4):393-7.

Paolini A, Caminiti F, Tosato F, Ruggieri M, Paolini G, Carnevale L, Corsini F, Marano S, Monsellato I. Simultaneous bilateral pneumothorax. Case report. Minerva Chir. 2001 Apr;56(2):161-7.